

asyncio(sort_by, *, client[, limit, page_token])

This includes all API calls that were made by users in the org.

asyncio_detailed(sort_by, *, client[, ...])

sync(sort_by, *, client[, limit, page_token])

This includes all API calls that were made by users in the org.

sync_detailed(sort_by, *, client[, limit, ...])

kittycad.api.api_calls.org_list_api_calls._build_response(*, response)[source][source]
Return type:

Response[Union[ApiCallWithPriceResultsPage, Error, None]]

kittycad.api.api_calls.org_list_api_calls._get_kwargs(sort_by, *, client, limit=None, page_token=None)[source][source]
Return type:

Dict[str, Any]

kittycad.api.api_calls.org_list_api_calls._parse_response(*, response)[source][source]
Return type:

Union[ApiCallWithPriceResultsPage, Error, None]

async kittycad.api.api_calls.org_list_api_calls.asyncio(sort_by, *, client, limit=None, page_token=None)[source][source]

This includes all API calls that were made by users in the org. This endpoint requires authentication by an org admin. It returns the API calls for the authenticated user’s org. The API calls are returned in order of creation, with the most recently created API calls first.

Return type:

Union[ApiCallWithPriceResultsPage, Error, None]

async kittycad.api.api_calls.org_list_api_calls.asyncio_detailed(sort_by, *, client, limit=None, page_token=None)[source][source]
Return type:

Response[Union[ApiCallWithPriceResultsPage, Error, None]]

kittycad.api.api_calls.org_list_api_calls.sync(sort_by, *, client, limit=None, page_token=None)[source][source]

This includes all API calls that were made by users in the org. This endpoint requires authentication by an org admin. It returns the API calls for the authenticated user’s org. The API calls are returned in order of creation, with the most recently created API calls first.

Return type:

Union[ApiCallWithPriceResultsPage, Error, None]

kittycad.api.api_calls.org_list_api_calls.sync_detailed(sort_by, *, client, limit=None, page_token=None)[source][source]
Return type:

Response[Union[ApiCallWithPriceResultsPage, Error, None]]