


A struct of Zoo product subscriptions.

class kittycad.models.zoo_product_subscriptions.ZooProductSubscriptions(**data)[source][source]

A struct of Zoo product subscriptions.

Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.

Raises [ValidationError][pydantic_core.ValidationError] if the input data cannot be validated to form a valid model.

self is explicitly positional-only to allow self as a field name.

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})[source]
__annotations__ = {'__class_vars__': 'ClassVar[set[str]]', '__private_attributes__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, ModelPrivateAttr]]', '__pydantic_complete__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_computed_fields__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]]', '__pydantic_core_schema__': 'ClassVar[CoreSchema]', '__pydantic_custom_init__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_decorators__': 'ClassVar[_decorators.DecoratorInfos]', '__pydantic_extra__': 'dict[str, Any] | None', '__pydantic_fields__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, FieldInfo]]', '__pydantic_fields_set__': 'set[str]', '__pydantic_generic_metadata__': 'ClassVar[_generics.PydanticGenericMetadata]', '__pydantic_parent_namespace__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, Any] | None]', '__pydantic_post_init__': "ClassVar[None | Literal['model_post_init']]", '__pydantic_private__': 'dict[str, Any] | None', '__pydantic_root_model__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_serializer__': 'ClassVar[SchemaSerializer]', '__pydantic_validator__': 'ClassVar[SchemaValidator | PluggableSchemaValidator]', '__signature__': 'ClassVar[Signature]', 'model_computed_fields': 'ClassVar[dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]]', 'model_config': 'ClassVar[ConfigDict]', 'model_fields': 'ClassVar[dict[str, FieldInfo]]', 'modeling_app': <class 'kittycad.models.modeling_app_subscription_tier.ModelingAppSubscriptionTier'>}[source]
classmethod __class_getitem__(typevar_values)[source]
Return type:

type[BaseModel] | PydanticRecursiveRef

__class_vars__: ClassVar[set[str]] = {}[source]

The names of the class variables defined on the model.


Returns a shallow copy of the model.

Return type:



Returns a deep copy of the model.

Return type:



Implement delattr(self, name).

Return type:



Return self==value.

Return type:


property __fields_set__: set[str][source]
classmethod __get_pydantic_core_schema__(source, handler, /)[source]

Hook into generating the model’s CoreSchema.

  • source (type[BaseModel]) – The class we are generating a schema for. This will generally be the same as the cls argument if this is a classmethod.

  • handler (GetCoreSchemaHandler) – A callable that calls into Pydantic’s internal CoreSchema generation logic.

Return type:

Union[InvalidSchema, AnySchema, NoneSchema, BoolSchema, IntSchema, FloatSchema, DecimalSchema, StringSchema, BytesSchema, DateSchema, TimeSchema, DatetimeSchema, TimedeltaSchema, LiteralSchema, EnumSchema, IsInstanceSchema, IsSubclassSchema, CallableSchema, ListSchema, TupleSchema, SetSchema, FrozenSetSchema, GeneratorSchema, DictSchema, AfterValidatorFunctionSchema, BeforeValidatorFunctionSchema, WrapValidatorFunctionSchema, PlainValidatorFunctionSchema, WithDefaultSchema, NullableSchema, UnionSchema, TaggedUnionSchema, ChainSchema, LaxOrStrictSchema, JsonOrPythonSchema, TypedDictSchema, ModelFieldsSchema, ModelSchema, DataclassArgsSchema, DataclassSchema, ArgumentsSchema, CallSchema, CustomErrorSchema, JsonSchema, UrlSchema, MultiHostUrlSchema, DefinitionsSchema, DefinitionReferenceSchema, UuidSchema, ComplexSchema]


A pydantic-core CoreSchema.

classmethod __get_pydantic_json_schema__(core_schema, handler, /)[source]

Hook into generating the model’s JSON schema.

  • core_schema (Union[InvalidSchema, AnySchema, NoneSchema, BoolSchema, IntSchema, FloatSchema, DecimalSchema, StringSchema, BytesSchema, DateSchema, TimeSchema, DatetimeSchema, TimedeltaSchema, LiteralSchema, EnumSchema, IsInstanceSchema, IsSubclassSchema, CallableSchema, ListSchema, TupleSchema, SetSchema, FrozenSetSchema, GeneratorSchema, DictSchema, AfterValidatorFunctionSchema, BeforeValidatorFunctionSchema, WrapValidatorFunctionSchema, PlainValidatorFunctionSchema, WithDefaultSchema, NullableSchema, UnionSchema, TaggedUnionSchema, ChainSchema, LaxOrStrictSchema, JsonOrPythonSchema, TypedDictSchema, ModelFieldsSchema, ModelSchema, DataclassArgsSchema, DataclassSchema, ArgumentsSchema, CallSchema, CustomErrorSchema, JsonSchema, UrlSchema, MultiHostUrlSchema, DefinitionsSchema, DefinitionReferenceSchema, UuidSchema, ComplexSchema]) – A pydantic-core CoreSchema. You can ignore this argument and call the handler with a new CoreSchema, wrap this CoreSchema ({'type': 'nullable', 'schema': current_schema}), or just call the handler with the original schema.

  • handler (GetJsonSchemaHandler) – Call into Pydantic’s internal JSON schema generation. This will raise a pydantic.errors.PydanticInvalidForJsonSchema if JSON schema generation fails. Since this gets called by BaseModel.model_json_schema you can override the schema_generator argument to that function to change JSON schema generation globally for a type.

Return type:

Dict[str, Any]


A JSON schema, as a Python object.

Return type:



Helper for pickle.

Return type:

dict[Any, Any]

__hash__ = None[source]

Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.

Raises [ValidationError][pydantic_core.ValidationError] if the input data cannot be validated to form a valid model.

self is explicitly positional-only to allow self as a field name.


So dict(model) works.

Return type:

Generator[Tuple[str, Any], None, None]

__module__ = 'kittycad.models.zoo_product_subscriptions'[source]
__pretty__(fmt, **kwargs)[source]

Used by devtools ( to pretty print objects.

Return type:

Generator[Any, None, None]

__private_attributes__: ClassVar[Dict[str, ModelPrivateAttr]] = {}[source]

Metadata about the private attributes of the model.

__pydantic_complete__: ClassVar[bool] = True[source]

Whether model building is completed, or if there are still undefined fields.

__pydantic_computed_fields__: ClassVar[Dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]] = {}[source]

A dictionary of computed field names and their corresponding [ComputedFieldInfo][pydantic.fields.ComputedFieldInfo] objects.

__pydantic_core_schema__: ClassVar[CoreSchema] = {'definitions': [{'cls': <enum 'PlanInterval'>, 'members': [PlanInterval.DAY, PlanInterval.MONTH, PlanInterval.WEEK, PlanInterval.YEAR], 'metadata': {'pydantic_js_functions': [<function GenerateSchema._enum_schema.<locals>.get_json_schema>]}, 'ref': 'kittycad.models.plan_interval.PlanInterval:94613475378704', 'sub_type': 'str', 'type': 'enum'}], 'schema': {'cls': <class 'kittycad.models.zoo_product_subscriptions.ZooProductSubscriptions'>, 'config': {'title': 'ZooProductSubscriptions'}, 'custom_init': False, 'metadata': {'pydantic_js_functions': [<bound method BaseModel.__get_pydantic_json_schema__ of <class 'kittycad.models.zoo_product_subscriptions.ZooProductSubscriptions'>>]}, 'ref': 'kittycad.models.zoo_product_subscriptions.ZooProductSubscriptions:94613489394896', 'root_model': False, 'schema': {'computed_fields': [], 'fields': {'modeling_app': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'cls': <class 'kittycad.models.modeling_app_subscription_tier.ModelingAppSubscriptionTier'>, 'config': {'title': 'ModelingAppSubscriptionTier'}, 'custom_init': False, 'metadata': {'pydantic_js_functions': [<bound method BaseModel.__get_pydantic_json_schema__ of <class 'kittycad.models.modeling_app_subscription_tier.ModelingAppSubscriptionTier'>>]}, 'ref': 'kittycad.models.modeling_app_subscription_tier.ModelingAppSubscriptionTier:94613475465104', 'root_model': False, 'schema': {'computed_fields': [], 'fields': {'annual_discount': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': None, 'schema': {'schema': {'type': 'int'}, 'type': 'nullable'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'description': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'features': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': None, 'schema': {'schema': {'items_schema': {'cls': <class 'kittycad.models.subscription_tier_feature.SubscriptionTierFeature'>, 'config': {'title': 'SubscriptionTierFeature'}, 'custom_init': False, 'metadata': {'pydantic_js_functions': [<bound method BaseModel.__get_pydantic_json_schema__ of <class 'kittycad.models.subscription_tier_feature.SubscriptionTierFeature'>>]}, 'ref': 'kittycad.models.subscription_tier_feature.SubscriptionTierFeature:94613475416464', 'root_model': False, 'schema': {'computed_fields': [], 'fields': {'info': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'model-field'}}, 'model_name': 'SubscriptionTierFeature', 'type': 'model-fields'}, 'type': 'model'}, 'type': 'list'}, 'type': 'nullable'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'name': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'cls': <enum 'ModelingAppSubscriptionTierName'>, 'members': [ModelingAppSubscriptionTierName.FREE, ModelingAppSubscriptionTierName.PRO, ModelingAppSubscriptionTierName.TEAM, ModelingAppSubscriptionTierName.ENTERPRISE], 'metadata': {'pydantic_js_functions': [<function GenerateSchema._enum_schema.<locals>.get_json_schema>]}, 'ref': 'kittycad.models.modeling_app_subscription_tier_name.ModelingAppSubscriptionTierName:94613475413264', 'sub_type': 'str', 'type': 'enum'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'pay_as_you_go_credits': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'type': 'float'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'price': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'cls': <class 'pydantic.root_model.RootModel[Annotated[Union[OptionFlat, OptionPerUser, OptionEnterprise], FieldInfo(annotation=NoneType, required=True, discriminator='type')]]'>, 'config': {'title': "RootModel[Annotated[Union[OptionFlat, OptionPerUser, OptionEnterprise], FieldInfo(annotation=NoneType, required=True, discriminator='type')]]"}, 'custom_init': False, 'generic_origin': <class 'pydantic.root_model.RootModel'>, 'metadata': {'pydantic_js_functions': [<bound method BaseModel.__get_pydantic_json_schema__ of <class 'pydantic.root_model.RootModel[Annotated[Union[OptionFlat, OptionPerUser, OptionEnterprise], FieldInfo(annotation=NoneType, required=True, discriminator='type')]]'>>]}, 'ref': "pydantic.root_model.RootModel:94613489228048[Annotated[Union[OptionFlat, OptionPerUser, OptionEnterprise], FieldInfo(annotation=NoneType, required=True, discriminator='type')]:140435633373104]", 'root_model': True, 'schema': {'choices': {'enterprise': {'cls': <class 'kittycad.models.subscription_tier_price.OptionEnterprise'>, 'config': {'title': 'OptionEnterprise'}, 'custom_init': False, 'metadata': {'pydantic_js_functions': [<bound method BaseModel.__get_pydantic_json_schema__ of <class 'kittycad.models.subscription_tier_price.OptionEnterprise'>>]}, 'ref': 'kittycad.models.subscription_tier_price.OptionEnterprise:94613475370096', 'root_model': False, 'schema': {'computed_fields': [], 'fields': {'type': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': 'enterprise', 'schema': {'expected': ['enterprise'], 'type': 'literal'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}}, 'model_name': 'OptionEnterprise', 'type': 'model-fields'}, 'type': 'model'}, 'flat': {'cls': <class 'kittycad.models.subscription_tier_price.OptionFlat'>, 'config': {'title': 'OptionFlat'}, 'custom_init': False, 'metadata': {'pydantic_js_functions': [<bound method BaseModel.__get_pydantic_json_schema__ of <class 'kittycad.models.subscription_tier_price.OptionFlat'>>]}, 'ref': 'kittycad.models.subscription_tier_price.OptionFlat:94613475352720', 'root_model': False, 'schema': {'computed_fields': [], 'fields': {'interval': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'schema_ref': 'kittycad.models.plan_interval.PlanInterval:94613475378704', 'type': 'definition-ref'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'price': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'type': 'float'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'type': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': 'flat', 'schema': {'expected': ['flat'], 'type': 'literal'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}}, 'model_name': 'OptionFlat', 'type': 'model-fields'}, 'type': 'model'}, 'per_user': {'cls': <class 'kittycad.models.subscription_tier_price.OptionPerUser'>, 'config': {'title': 'OptionPerUser'}, 'custom_init': False, 'metadata': {'pydantic_js_functions': [<bound method BaseModel.__get_pydantic_json_schema__ of <class 'kittycad.models.subscription_tier_price.OptionPerUser'>>]}, 'ref': 'kittycad.models.subscription_tier_price.OptionPerUser:94613475360896', 'root_model': False, 'schema': {'computed_fields': [], 'fields': {'interval': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'schema_ref': 'kittycad.models.plan_interval.PlanInterval:94613475378704', 'type': 'definition-ref'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'price': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'type': 'float'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'type': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': 'per_user', 'schema': {'expected': ['per_user'], 'type': 'literal'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}}, 'model_name': 'OptionPerUser', 'type': 'model-fields'}, 'type': 'model'}}, 'discriminator': 'type', 'from_attributes': True, 'metadata': {}, 'strict': False, 'type': 'tagged-union'}, 'type': 'model'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'share_links': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': None, 'schema': {'schema': {'items_schema': {'cls': <enum 'ModelingAppShareLinks'>, 'members': [ModelingAppShareLinks.PUBLIC, ModelingAppShareLinks.PASSWORD_PROTECTED, ModelingAppShareLinks.ORGANIZATION_ONLY], 'metadata': {'pydantic_js_functions': [<function GenerateSchema._enum_schema.<locals>.get_json_schema>]}, 'ref': 'kittycad.models.modeling_app_share_links.ModelingAppShareLinks:94613475410416', 'sub_type': 'str', 'type': 'enum'}, 'type': 'list'}, 'type': 'nullable'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'support_tier': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'cls': <enum 'SupportTier'>, 'members': [SupportTier.COMMUNITY, SupportTier.STANDARD, SupportTier.PREMIUM, SupportTier.PRIORITY], 'metadata': {'pydantic_js_functions': [<function GenerateSchema._enum_schema.<locals>.get_json_schema>]}, 'ref': 'kittycad.models.support_tier.SupportTier:94613475459168', 'sub_type': 'str', 'type': 'enum'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'training_data_behavior': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'cls': <enum 'SubscriptionTrainingDataBehavior'>, 'members': [SubscriptionTrainingDataBehavior.ALWAYS, SubscriptionTrainingDataBehavior.DEFAULT_ON, SubscriptionTrainingDataBehavior.DEFAULT_OFF], 'metadata': {'pydantic_js_functions': [<function GenerateSchema._enum_schema.<locals>.get_json_schema>]}, 'ref': 'kittycad.models.subscription_training_data_behavior.SubscriptionTrainingDataBehavior:94613475458176', 'sub_type': 'str', 'type': 'enum'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'type': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'cls': <class 'pydantic.root_model.RootModel[Annotated[Union[OptionIndividual, OptionOrganization], FieldInfo(annotation=NoneType, required=True, discriminator='type')]]'>, 'config': {'title': "RootModel[Annotated[Union[OptionIndividual, OptionOrganization], FieldInfo(annotation=NoneType, required=True, discriminator='type')]]"}, 'custom_init': False, 'generic_origin': <class 'pydantic.root_model.RootModel'>, 'metadata': {'pydantic_js_functions': [<bound method BaseModel.__get_pydantic_json_schema__ of <class 'pydantic.root_model.RootModel[Annotated[Union[OptionIndividual, OptionOrganization], FieldInfo(annotation=NoneType, required=True, discriminator='type')]]'>>]}, 'ref': "pydantic.root_model.RootModel:94613489228048[Annotated[Union[OptionIndividual, OptionOrganization], FieldInfo(annotation=NoneType, required=True, discriminator='type')]:140435632751872]", 'root_model': True, 'schema': {'choices': {'individual': {'cls': <class 'kittycad.models.subscription_tier_type.OptionIndividual'>, 'config': {'title': 'OptionIndividual'}, 'custom_init': False, 'metadata': {'pydantic_js_functions': [<bound method BaseModel.__get_pydantic_json_schema__ of <class 'kittycad.models.subscription_tier_type.OptionIndividual'>>]}, 'ref': 'kittycad.models.subscription_tier_type.OptionIndividual:94613480419424', 'root_model': False, 'schema': {'computed_fields': [], 'fields': {'type': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': 'individual', 'schema': {'expected': ['individual'], 'type': 'literal'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}}, 'model_name': 'OptionIndividual', 'type': 'model-fields'}, 'type': 'model'}, 'organization': {'cls': <class 'kittycad.models.subscription_tier_type.OptionOrganization'>, 'config': {'title': 'OptionOrganization'}, 'custom_init': False, 'metadata': {'pydantic_js_functions': [<bound method BaseModel.__get_pydantic_json_schema__ of <class 'kittycad.models.subscription_tier_type.OptionOrganization'>>]}, 'ref': 'kittycad.models.subscription_tier_type.OptionOrganization:94613475430592', 'root_model': False, 'schema': {'computed_fields': [], 'fields': {'saml_sso': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'type': 'bool'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'type': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': 'organization', 'schema': {'expected': ['organization'], 'type': 'literal'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}}, 'model_name': 'OptionOrganization', 'type': 'model-fields'}, 'type': 'model'}}, 'discriminator': 'type', 'from_attributes': True, 'metadata': {}, 'strict': False, 'type': 'tagged-union'}, 'type': 'model'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'zoo_tools_included': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': None, 'schema': {'schema': {'items_schema': {'cls': <enum 'ZooTool'>, 'members': [ZooTool.MODELING_APP, ZooTool.TEXT_TO_CAD, ZooTool.DIFF_CHROME_EXTENSION], 'metadata': {'pydantic_js_functions': [<function GenerateSchema._enum_schema.<locals>.get_json_schema>]}, 'ref': 'kittycad.models.zoo_tool.ZooTool:94613475463328', 'sub_type': 'str', 'type': 'enum'}, 'type': 'list'}, 'type': 'nullable'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}}, 'model_name': 'ModelingAppSubscriptionTier', 'type': 'model-fields'}, 'type': 'model'}, 'type': 'model-field'}}, 'model_name': 'ZooProductSubscriptions', 'type': 'model-fields'}, 'type': 'model'}, 'type': 'definitions'}[source]

The core schema of the model.

__pydantic_custom_init__: ClassVar[bool] = False[source]

Whether the model has a custom __init__ method.

__pydantic_decorators__: ClassVar[_decorators.DecoratorInfos] = DecoratorInfos(validators={}, field_validators={}, root_validators={}, field_serializers={}, model_serializers={}, model_validators={}, computed_fields={})[source]

Metadata containing the decorators defined on the model. This replaces Model.__validators__ and Model.__root_validators__ from Pydantic V1.

__pydantic_extra__: dict[str, Any] | None[source]

A dictionary containing extra values, if [extra][pydantic.config.ConfigDict.extra] is set to 'allow'.

__pydantic_fields__: ClassVar[Dict[str, FieldInfo]] = {'modeling_app': FieldInfo(annotation=ModelingAppSubscriptionTier, required=True)}[source]

A dictionary of field names and their corresponding [FieldInfo][pydantic.fields.FieldInfo] objects. This replaces Model.__fields__ from Pydantic V1.

__pydantic_fields_set__: set[str][source]

The names of fields explicitly set during instantiation.

__pydantic_generic_metadata__: ClassVar[_generics.PydanticGenericMetadata] = {'args': (), 'origin': None, 'parameters': ()}[source]

Metadata for generic models; contains data used for a similar purpose to __args__, __origin__, __parameters__ in typing-module generics. May eventually be replaced by these.

classmethod __pydantic_init_subclass__(**kwargs)[source]

This is intended to behave just like __init_subclass__, but is called by ModelMetaclass only after the class is actually fully initialized. In particular, attributes like model_fields will be present when this is called.

This is necessary because __init_subclass__ will always be called by type.__new__, and it would require a prohibitively large refactor to the ModelMetaclass to ensure that type.__new__ was called in such a manner that the class would already be sufficiently initialized.

This will receive the same kwargs that would be passed to the standard __init_subclass__, namely, any kwargs passed to the class definition that aren’t used internally by pydantic.


**kwargs (Any) – Any keyword arguments passed to the class definition that aren’t used internally by pydantic.

Return type:


__pydantic_parent_namespace__: ClassVar[Dict[str, Any] | None] = None[source]

Parent namespace of the model, used for automatic rebuilding of models.

__pydantic_post_init__: ClassVar[None | Literal['model_post_init']] = None[source]

The name of the post-init method for the model, if defined.

__pydantic_private__: dict[str, Any] | None[source]

Values of private attributes set on the model instance.

__pydantic_root_model__: ClassVar[bool] = False[source]

Whether the model is a [RootModel][pydantic.root_model.RootModel].

__pydantic_serializer__: ClassVar[SchemaSerializer] = SchemaSerializer(serializer=Model(     ModelSerializer {         class: Py(             0x0000560ceb6d24d0,         ),         serializer: Fields(             GeneralFieldsSerializer {                 fields: {                     "modeling_app": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007fb9b75f30b0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             Model(                                 ModelSerializer {                                     class: Py(                                         0x0000560cea989790,                                     ),                                     serializer: Fields(                                         GeneralFieldsSerializer {                                             fields: {                                                 "annual_discount": SerField {                                                     key_py: Py(                                                         0x00007fb9b75f86b0,                                                     ),                                                     alias: None,                                                     alias_py: None,                                                     serializer: Some(                                                         WithDefault(                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                 default: Default(                                                                     Py(                                                                         0x00007fb9bbd47100,                                                                     ),                                                                 ),                                                                 serializer: Nullable(                                                                     NullableSerializer {                                                                         serializer: Int(                                                                             IntSerializer,                                                                         ),                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                             },                                                         ),                                                     ),                                                     required: true,                                                 },                                                 "features": SerField {                                                     key_py: Py(                                                         0x00007fb9b8dd8c30,                                                     ),                                                     alias: None,                                                     alias_py: None,                                                     serializer: Some(                                                         WithDefault(                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                 default: Default(                                                                     Py(                                                                         0x00007fb9bbd47100,                                                                     ),                                                                 ),                                                                 serializer: Nullable(                                                                     NullableSerializer {                                                                         serializer: List(                                                                             ListSerializer {                                                                                 item_serializer: Model(                                                                                     ModelSerializer {                                                                                         class: Py(                                                                                             0x0000560cea97d990,                                                                                         ),                                                                                         serializer: Fields(                                                                                             GeneralFieldsSerializer {                                                                                                 fields: {                                                                                                     "info": SerField {                                                                                                         key_py: Py(                                                                                                             0x00007fb9bbe19820,                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                         alias: None,                                                                                                         alias_py: None,                                                                                                         serializer: Some(                                                                                                             Str(                                                                                                                 StrSerializer,                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                         required: true,                                                                                                     },                                                                                                 },                                                                                                 computed_fields: Some(                                                                                                     ComputedFields(                                                                                                         [],                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                 mode: SimpleDict,                                                                                                 extra_serializer: None,                                                                                                 filter: SchemaFilter {                                                                                                     include: None,                                                                                                     exclude: None,                                                                                                 },                                                                                                 required_fields: 1,                                                                                             },                                                                                         ),                                                                                         has_extra: false,                                                                                         root_model: false,                                                                                         name: "SubscriptionTierFeature",                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                                 filter: SchemaFilter {                                                                                     include: None,                                                                                     exclude: None,                                                                                 },                                                                                 name: "list[SubscriptionTierFeature]",                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                             },                                                         ),                                                     ),                                                     required: true,                                                 },                                                 "price": SerField {                                                     key_py: Py(                                                         0x00007fb9b819c7b0,                                                     ),                                                     alias: None,                                                     alias_py: None,                                                     serializer: Some(                                                         Model(                                                             ModelSerializer {                                                                 class: Py(                                                                     0x0000560cea976200,                                                                 ),                                                                 serializer: TaggedUnion(                                                                     TaggedUnionSerializer {                                                                         discriminator: LookupKey(                                                                             Simple {                                                                                 key: "type",                                                                                 py_key: Py(                                                                                     0x00007fb9bbe3c5a0,                                                                                 ),                                                                                 path: LookupPath(                                                                                     [                                                                                         S(                                                                                             "type",                                                                                             Py(                                                                                                 0x00007fb9bbe3c5a0,                                                                                             ),                                                                                         ),                                                                                     ],                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         lookup: {                                                                             "flat": 0,                                                                             "per_user": 1,                                                                             "enterprise": 2,                                                                         },                                                                         choices: [                                                                             Model(                                                                                 ModelSerializer {                                                                                     class: Py(                                                                                         0x0000560cea96e090,                                                                                     ),                                                                                     serializer: Fields(                                                                                         GeneralFieldsSerializer {                                                                                             fields: {                                                                                                 "price": SerField {                                                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                                                         0x00007fb9b819c7b0,                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                     alias: None,                                                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                                                         Float(                                                                                                             FloatSerializer {                                                                                                                 inf_nan_mode: Null,                                                                                                             },                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                     required: true,                                                                                                 },                                                                                                 "type": SerField {                                                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                                                         0x00007fb9bbe3c5a0,                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                     alias: None,                                                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                                                         WithDefault(                                                                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                                                     Py(                                                                                                                         0x00007fb9ba347030,                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                 serializer: Literal(                                                                                                                     LiteralSerializer {                                                                                                                         expected_int: {},                                                                                                                         expected_str: {                                                                                                                             "flat",                                                                                                                         },                                                                                                                         expected_py: None,                                                                                                                         name: "literal['flat']",                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                             },                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                     required: true,                                                                                                 },                                                                                                 "interval": SerField {                                                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                                                         0x00007fb9baefdaf0,                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                     alias: None,                                                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                                                         Recursive(                                                                                                             DefinitionRefSerializer {                                                                                                                 definition: "...",                                                                                                                 retry_with_lax_check: false,                                                                                                             },                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                     required: true,                                                                                                 },                                                                                             },                                                                                             computed_fields: Some(                                                                                                 ComputedFields(                                                                                                     [],                                                                                                 ),                                                                                             ),                                                                                             mode: SimpleDict,                                                                                             extra_serializer: None,                                                                                             filter: SchemaFilter {                                                                                                 include: None,                                                                                                 exclude: None,                                                                                             },                                                                                             required_fields: 3,                                                                                         },                                                                                     ),                                                                                     has_extra: false,                                                                                     root_model: false,                                                                                     name: "OptionFlat",                                                                                 },                                                                             ),                                                                             Model(                                                                                 ModelSerializer {                                                                                     class: Py(                                                                                         0x0000560cea970080,                                                                                     ),                                                                                     serializer: Fields(                                                                                         GeneralFieldsSerializer {                                                                                             fields: {                                                                                                 "price": SerField {                                                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                                                         0x00007fb9b819c7b0,                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                     alias: None,                                                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                                                         Float(                                                                                                             FloatSerializer {                                                                                                                 inf_nan_mode: Null,                                                                                                             },                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                     required: true,                                                                                                 },                                                                                                 "interval": SerField {                                                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                                                         0x00007fb9baefdaf0,                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                     alias: None,                                                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                                                         Recursive(                                                                                                             DefinitionRefSerializer {                                                                                                                 definition: "...",                                                                                                                 retry_with_lax_check: false,                                                                                                             },                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                     required: true,                                                                                                 },                                                                                                 "type": SerField {                                                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                                                         0x00007fb9bbe3c5a0,                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                     alias: None,                                                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                                                         WithDefault(                                                                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                                                     Py(                                                                                                                         0x00007fb9b75f0a30,                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                 serializer: Literal(                                                                                                                     LiteralSerializer {                                                                                                                         expected_int: {},                                                                                                                         expected_str: {                                                                                                                             "per_user",                                                                                                                         },                                                                                                                         expected_py: None,                                                                                                                         name: "literal['per_user']",                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                             },                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                     required: true,                                                                                                 },                                                                                             },                                                                                             computed_fields: Some(                                                                                                 ComputedFields(                                                                                                     [],                                                                                                 ),                                                                                             ),                                                                                             mode: SimpleDict,                                                                                             extra_serializer: None,                                                                                             filter: SchemaFilter {                                                                                                 include: None,                                                                                                 exclude: None,                                                                                             },                                                                                             required_fields: 3,                                                                                         },                                                                                     ),                                                                                     has_extra: false,                                                                                     root_model: false,                                                                                     name: "OptionPerUser",                                                                                 },                                                                             ),                                                                             Model(                                                                                 ModelSerializer {                                                                                     class: Py(                                                                                         0x0000560cea972470,                                                                                     ),                                                                                     serializer: Fields(                                                                                         GeneralFieldsSerializer {                                                                                             fields: {                                                                                                 "type": SerField {                                                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                                                         0x00007fb9bbe3c5a0,                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                     alias: None,                                                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                                                         WithDefault(                                                                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                                                     Py(                                                                                                                         0x00007fb9b75f0b70,                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                 serializer: Literal(                                                                                                                     LiteralSerializer {                                                                                                                         expected_int: {},                                                                                                                         expected_str: {                                                                                                                             "enterprise",                                                                                                                         },                                                                                                                         expected_py: None,                                                                                                                         name: "literal['enterprise']",                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                             },                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                     required: true,                                                                                                 },                                                                                             },                                                                                             computed_fields: Some(                                                                                                 ComputedFields(                                                                                                     [],                                                                                                 ),                                                                                             ),                                                                                             mode: SimpleDict,                                                                                             extra_serializer: None,                                                                                             filter: SchemaFilter {                                                                                                 include: None,                                                                                                 exclude: None,                                                                                             },                                                                                             required_fields: 1,                                                                                         },                                                                                     ),                                                                                     has_extra: false,                                                                                     root_model: false,                                                                                     name: "OptionEnterprise",                                                                                 },                                                                             ),                                                                         ],                                                                         name: "TaggedUnion[OptionFlat, OptionPerUser, OptionEnterprise]",                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 has_extra: false,                                                                 root_model: true,                                                                 name: "RootModel[Annotated[Union[OptionFlat, OptionPerUser, OptionEnterprise], FieldInfo(annotation=NoneType, required=True, discriminator='type')]]",                                                             },                                                         ),                                                     ),                                                     required: true,                                                 },                                                 "share_links": SerField {                                                     key_py: Py(                                                         0x00007fb9b75fa870,                                                     ),                                                     alias: None,                                                     alias_py: None,                                                     serializer: Some(                                                         WithDefault(                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                 default: Default(                                                                     Py(                                                                         0x00007fb9bbd47100,                                                                     ),                                                                 ),                                                                 serializer: Nullable(                                                                     NullableSerializer {                                                                         serializer: List(                                                                             ListSerializer {                                                                                 item_serializer: Enum(                                                                                     EnumSerializer {                                                                                         class: Py(                                                                                             0x0000560cea97c1f0,                                                                                         ),                                                                                         serializer: Some(                                                                                             Str(                                                                                                 StrSerializer,                                                                                             ),                                                                                         ),                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                                 filter: SchemaFilter {                                                                                     include: None,                                                                                     exclude: None,                                                                                 },                                                                                 name: "list[enum]",                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                             },                                                         ),                                                     ),                                                     required: true,                                                 },                                                 "training_data_behavior": SerField {                                                     key_py: Py(                                                         0x00007fb9b75fa8f0,                                                     ),                                                     alias: None,                                                     alias_py: None,                                                     serializer: Some(                                                         Enum(                                                             EnumSerializer {                                                                 class: Py(                                                                     0x0000560cea987c80,                                                                 ),                                                                 serializer: Some(                                                                     Str(                                                                         StrSerializer,                                                                     ),                                                                 ),                                                             },                                                         ),                                                     ),                                                     required: true,                                                 },                                                 "name": SerField {                                                     key_py: Py(                                                         0x00007fb9bbe3a388,                                                     ),                                                     alias: None,                                                     alias_py: None,                                                     serializer: Some(                                                         Enum(                                                             EnumSerializer {                                                                 class: Py(                                                                     0x0000560cea97cd10,                                                                 ),                                                                 serializer: Some(                                                                     Str(                                                                         StrSerializer,                                                                     ),                                                                 ),                                                             },                                                         ),                                                     ),                                                     required: true,                                                 },                                                 "pay_as_you_go_credits": SerField {                                                     key_py: Py(                                                         0x00007fb9b75fa7f0,                                                     ),                                                     alias: None,                                                     alias_py: None,                                                     serializer: Some(                                                         Float(                                                             FloatSerializer {                                                                 inf_nan_mode: Null,                                                             },                                                         ),                                                     ),                                                     required: true,                                                 },                                                 "type": SerField {                                                     key_py: Py(                                                         0x00007fb9bbe3c5a0,                                                     ),                                                     alias: None,                                                     alias_py: None,                                                     serializer: Some(                                                         Model(                                                             ModelSerializer {                                                                 class: Py(                                                                     0x0000560cea983e30,                                                                 ),                                                                 serializer: TaggedUnion(                                                                     TaggedUnionSerializer {                                                                         discriminator: LookupKey(                                                                             Simple {                                                                                 key: "type",                                                                                 py_key: Py(                                                                                     0x00007fb9bbe3c5a0,                                                                                 ),                                                                                 path: LookupPath(                                                                                     [                                                                                         S(                                                                                             "type",                                                                                             Py(                                                                                                 0x00007fb9bbe3c5a0,                                                                                             ),                                                                                         ),                                                                                     ],                                                                                 ),                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         lookup: {                                                                             "organization": 1,                                                                             "individual": 0,                                                                         },                                                                         choices: [                                                                             Model(                                                                                 ModelSerializer {                                                                                     class: Py(                                                                                         0x0000560ceae43060,                                                                                     ),                                                                                     serializer: Fields(                                                                                         GeneralFieldsSerializer {                                                                                             fields: {                                                                                                 "type": SerField {                                                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                                                         0x00007fb9bbe3c5a0,                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                     alias: None,                                                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                                                         WithDefault(                                                                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                                                     Py(                                                                                                                         0x00007fb9b75fa270,                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                 serializer: Literal(                                                                                                                     LiteralSerializer {                                                                                                                         expected_int: {},                                                                                                                         expected_str: {                                                                                                                             "individual",                                                                                                                         },                                                                                                                         expected_py: None,                                                                                                                         name: "literal['individual']",                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                             },                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                     required: true,                                                                                                 },                                                                                             },                                                                                             computed_fields: Some(                                                                                                 ComputedFields(                                                                                                     [],                                                                                                 ),                                                                                             ),                                                                                             mode: SimpleDict,                                                                                             extra_serializer: None,                                                                                             filter: SchemaFilter {                                                                                                 include: None,                                                                                                 exclude: None,                                                                                             },                                                                                             required_fields: 1,                                                                                         },                                                                                     ),                                                                                     has_extra: false,                                                                                     root_model: false,                                                                                     name: "OptionIndividual",                                                                                 },                                                                             ),                                                                             Model(                                                                                 ModelSerializer {                                                                                     class: Py(                                                                                         0x0000560cea9810c0,                                                                                     ),                                                                                     serializer: Fields(                                                                                         GeneralFieldsSerializer {                                                                                             fields: {                                                                                                 "saml_sso": SerField {                                                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                                                         0x00007fb9b75fa170,                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                     alias: None,                                                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                                                         Bool(                                                                                                             BoolSerializer,                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                     required: true,                                                                                                 },                                                                                                 "type": SerField {                                                                                                     key_py: Py(                                                                                                         0x00007fb9bbe3c5a0,                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                     alias: None,                                                                                                     alias_py: None,                                                                                                     serializer: Some(                                                                                                         WithDefault(                                                                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                                                                 default: Default(                                                                                                                     Py(                                                                                                                         0x00007fb9bab9aaf0,                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                                 serializer: Literal(                                                                                                                     LiteralSerializer {                                                                                                                         expected_int: {},                                                                                                                         expected_str: {                                                                                                                             "organization",                                                                                                                         },                                                                                                                         expected_py: None,                                                                                                                         name: "literal['organization']",                                                                                                                     },                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                             },                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                     required: true,                                                                                                 },                                                                                             },                                                                                             computed_fields: Some(                                                                                                 ComputedFields(                                                                                                     [],                                                                                                 ),                                                                                             ),                                                                                             mode: SimpleDict,                                                                                             extra_serializer: None,                                                                                             filter: SchemaFilter {                                                                                                 include: None,                                                                                                 exclude: None,                                                                                             },                                                                                             required_fields: 2,                                                                                         },                                                                                     ),                                                                                     has_extra: false,                                                                                     root_model: false,                                                                                     name: "OptionOrganization",                                                                                 },                                                                             ),                                                                         ],                                                                         name: "TaggedUnion[OptionIndividual, OptionOrganization]",                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 has_extra: false,                                                                 root_model: true,                                                                 name: "RootModel[Annotated[Union[OptionIndividual, OptionOrganization], FieldInfo(annotation=NoneType, required=True, discriminator='type')]]",                                                             },                                                         ),                                                     ),                                                     required: true,                                                 },                                                 "support_tier": SerField {                                                     key_py: Py(                                                         0x00007fb9b81ad730,                                                     ),                                                     alias: None,                                                     alias_py: None,                                                     serializer: Some(                                                         Enum(                                                             EnumSerializer {                                                                 class: Py(                                                                     0x0000560cea988060,                                                                 ),                                                                 serializer: Some(                                                                     Str(                                                                         StrSerializer,                                                                     ),                                                                 ),                                                             },                                                         ),                                                     ),                                                     required: true,                                                 },                                                 "zoo_tools_included": SerField {                                                     key_py: Py(                                                         0x00007fb9b75fa9b0,                                                     ),                                                     alias: None,                                                     alias_py: None,                                                     serializer: Some(                                                         WithDefault(                                                             WithDefaultSerializer {                                                                 default: Default(                                                                     Py(                                                                         0x00007fb9bbd47100,                                                                     ),                                                                 ),                                                                 serializer: Nullable(                                                                     NullableSerializer {                                                                         serializer: List(                                                                             ListSerializer {                                                                                 item_serializer: Enum(                                                                                     EnumSerializer {                                                                                         class: Py(                                                                                             0x0000560cea9890a0,                                                                                         ),                                                                                         serializer: Some(                                                                                             Str(                                                                                                 StrSerializer,                                                                                             ),                                                                                         ),                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                                 filter: SchemaFilter {                                                                                     include: None,                                                                                     exclude: None,                                                                                 },                                                                                 name: "list[enum]",                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                             },                                                         ),                                                     ),                                                     required: true,                                                 },                                                 "description": SerField {                                                     key_py: Py(                                                         0x00007fb9baff86f0,                                                     ),                                                     alias: None,                                                     alias_py: None,                                                     serializer: Some(                                                         Str(                                                             StrSerializer,                                                         ),                                                     ),                                                     required: true,                                                 },                                             },                                             computed_fields: Some(                                                 ComputedFields(                                                     [],                                                 ),                                             ),                                             mode: SimpleDict,                                             extra_serializer: None,                                             filter: SchemaFilter {                                                 include: None,                                                 exclude: None,                                             },                                             required_fields: 11,                                         },                                     ),                                     has_extra: false,                                     root_model: false,                                     name: "ModelingAppSubscriptionTier",                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                 },                 computed_fields: Some(                     ComputedFields(                         [],                     ),                 ),                 mode: SimpleDict,                 extra_serializer: None,                 filter: SchemaFilter {                     include: None,                     exclude: None,                 },                 required_fields: 1,             },         ),         has_extra: false,         root_model: false,         name: "ZooProductSubscriptions",     }, ), definitions=[Enum(EnumSerializer { class: Py(0x560cea974610), serializer: Some(Str(StrSerializer)) })])[source]

The pydantic-core SchemaSerializer used to dump instances of the model.

__pydantic_validator__: ClassVar[SchemaValidator | PluggableSchemaValidator] = SchemaValidator(title="ZooProductSubscriptions", validator=Model(     ModelValidator {         revalidate: Never,         validator: ModelFields(             ModelFieldsValidator {                 fields: [                     Field {                         name: "modeling_app",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "modeling_app",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007fb9b75a0b30,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "modeling_app",                                         Py(                                             0x00007fb9b75a0af0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007fb9b75f30b0,                         ),                         validator: Model(                             ModelValidator {                                 revalidate: Never,                                 validator: ModelFields(                                     ModelFieldsValidator {                                         fields: [                                             Field {                                                 name: "annual_discount",                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                     key: "annual_discount",                                                     py_key: Py(                                                         0x00007fb9b75a13b0,                                                     ),                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                         [                                                             S(                                                                 "annual_discount",                                                                 Py(                                                                     0x00007fb9b75a1330,                                                                 ),                                                             ),                                                         ],                                                     ),                                                 },                                                 name_py: Py(                                                     0x00007fb9b75f86b0,                                                 ),                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                         default: Default(                                                             Py(                                                                 0x00007fb9bbd47100,                                                             ),                                                         ),                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                         validator: Nullable(                                                             NullableValidator {                                                                 validator: Int(                                                                     IntValidator {                                                                         strict: false,                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 name: "nullable[int]",                                                             },                                                         ),                                                         validate_default: false,                                                         copy_default: false,                                                         name: "default[nullable[int]]",                                                         undefined: Py(                                                             0x00007fb9b9d9a350,                                                         ),                                                     },                                                 ),                                                 frozen: false,                                             },                                             Field {                                                 name: "description",                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                     key: "description",                                                     py_key: Py(                                                         0x00007fb9b75a1370,                                                     ),                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                         [                                                             S(                                                                 "description",                                                                 Py(                                                                     0x00007fb9b75a12f0,                                                                 ),                                                             ),                                                         ],                                                     ),                                                 },                                                 name_py: Py(                                                     0x00007fb9baff86f0,                                                 ),                                                 validator: Str(                                                     StrValidator {                                                         strict: false,                                                         coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                                     },                                                 ),                                                 frozen: false,                                             },                                             Field {                                                 name: "features",                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                     key: "features",                                                     py_key: Py(                                                         0x00007fb9b75a12b0,                                                     ),                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                         [                                                             S(                                                                 "features",                                                                 Py(                                                                     0x00007fb9b75a1270,                                                                 ),                                                             ),                                                         ],                                                     ),                                                 },                                                 name_py: Py(                                                     0x00007fb9b8dd8c30,                                                 ),                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                         default: Default(                                                             Py(                                                                 0x00007fb9bbd47100,                                                             ),                                                         ),                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                         validator: Nullable(                                                             NullableValidator {                                                                 validator: List(                                                                     ListValidator {                                                                         strict: false,                                                                         item_validator: Some(                                                                             Model(                                                                                 ModelValidator {                                                                                     revalidate: Never,                                                                                     validator: ModelFields(                                                                                         ModelFieldsValidator {                                                                                             fields: [                                                                                                 Field {                                                                                                     name: "info",                                                                                                     lookup_key: Simple {                                                                                                         key: "info",                                                                                                         py_key: Py(                                                                                                             0x00007fb9bad8e340,                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                         path: LookupPath(                                                                                                             [                                                                                                                 S(                                                                                                                     "info",                                                                                                                     Py(                                                                                                                         0x00007fb9b819fea0,                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                             ],                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                     },                                                                                                     name_py: Py(                                                                                                         0x00007fb9bbe19820,                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                     validator: Str(                                                                                                         StrValidator {                                                                                                             strict: false,                                                                                                             coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                                                                                         },                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                     frozen: false,                                                                                                 },                                                                                             ],                                                                                             model_name: "SubscriptionTierFeature",                                                                                             extra_behavior: Ignore,                                                                                             extras_validator: None,                                                                                             strict: false,                                                                                             from_attributes: false,                                                                                             loc_by_alias: true,                                                                                         },                                                                                     ),                                                                                     class: Py(                                                                                         0x0000560cea97d990,                                                                                     ),                                                                                     generic_origin: None,                                                                                     post_init: None,                                                                                     frozen: false,                                                                                     custom_init: false,                                                                                     root_model: false,                                                                                     undefined: Py(                                                                                         0x00007fb9b9d9a350,                                                                                     ),                                                                                     name: "SubscriptionTierFeature",                                                                                 },                                                                             ),                                                                         ),                                                                         min_length: None,                                                                         max_length: None,                                                                         name: OnceLock(                                                                             "list[SubscriptionTierFeature]",                                                                         ),                                                                         fail_fast: false,                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 name: "nullable[list[SubscriptionTierFeature]]",                                                             },                                                         ),                                                         validate_default: false,                                                         copy_default: false,                                                         name: "default[nullable[list[SubscriptionTierFeature]]]",                                                         undefined: Py(                                                             0x00007fb9b9d9a350,                                                         ),                                                     },                                                 ),                                                 frozen: false,                                             },                                             Field {                                                 name: "name",                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                     key: "name",                                                     py_key: Py(                                                         0x00007fb9b819ec40,                                                     ),                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                         [                                                             S(                                                                 "name",                                                                 Py(                                                                     0x00007fb9b819fba0,                                                                 ),                                                             ),                                                         ],                                                     ),                                                 },                                                 name_py: Py(                                                     0x00007fb9bbe3a388,                                                 ),                                                 validator: StrEnum(                                                     EnumValidator {                                                         phantom: PhantomData<_pydantic_core::validators::enum_::StrEnumValidator>,                                                         class: Py(                                                             0x0000560cea97cd10,                                                         ),                                                         lookup: LiteralLookup {                                                             expected_bool: None,                                                             expected_int: None,                                                             expected_str: Some(                                                                 {                                                                     "free": 0,                                                                     "pro": 1,                                                                     "team": 2,                                                                     "enterprise": 3,                                                                 },                                                             ),                                                             expected_py_dict: None,                                                             expected_py_values: None,                                                             expected_py_primitives: Some(                                                                 Py(                                                                     0x00007fb9b75a1240,                                                                 ),                                                             ),                                                             values: [                                                                 Py(                                                                     0x00007fb9b7649cd0,                                                                 ),                                                                 Py(                                                                     0x00007fb9b7649d30,                                                                 ),                                                                 Py(                                                                     0x00007fb9b7649d90,                                                                 ),                                                                 Py(                                                                     0x00007fb9b7649df0,                                                                 ),                                                             ],                                                         },                                                         missing: None,                                                         expected_repr: "'free', 'pro', 'team' or 'enterprise'",                                                         strict: false,                                                         class_repr: "ModelingAppSubscriptionTierName",                                                         name: "str-enum[ModelingAppSubscriptionTierName]",                                                     },                                                 ),                                                 frozen: false,                                             },                                             Field {                                                 name: "pay_as_you_go_credits",                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                     key: "pay_as_you_go_credits",                                                     py_key: Py(                                                         0x00007fb9b75a11f0,                                                     ),                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                         [                                                             S(                                                                 "pay_as_you_go_credits",                                                                 Py(                                                                     0x00007fb9b75a11b0,                                                                 ),                                                             ),                                                         ],                                                     ),                                                 },                                                 name_py: Py(                                                     0x00007fb9b75fa7f0,                                                 ),                                                 validator: Float(                                                     FloatValidator {                                                         strict: false,                                                         allow_inf_nan: true,                                                     },                                                 ),                                                 frozen: false,                                             },                                             Field {                                                 name: "price",                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                     key: "price",                                                     py_key: Py(                                                         0x00007fb9b801cc90,                                                     ),                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                         [                                                             S(                                                                 "price",                                                                 Py(                                                                     0x00007fb9b801cb70,                                                                 ),                                                             ),                                                         ],                                                     ),                                                 },                                                 name_py: Py(                                                     0x00007fb9b819c7b0,                                                 ),                                                 validator: Model(                                                     ModelValidator {                                                         revalidate: Never,                                                         validator: TaggedUnion(                                                             TaggedUnionValidator {                                                                 discriminator: LookupKey(                                                                     Simple {                                                                         key: "type",                                                                         py_key: Py(                                                                             0x00007fb9bbe3c5a0,                                                                         ),                                                                         path: LookupPath(                                                                             [                                                                                 S(                                                                                     "type",                                                                                     Py(                                                                                         0x00007fb9bbe3c5a0,                                                                                     ),                                                                                 ),                                                                             ],                                                                         ),                                                                     },                                                                 ),                                                                 lookup: LiteralLookup {                                                                     expected_bool: None,                                                                     expected_int: None,                                                                     expected_str: Some(                                                                         {                                                                             "per_user": 1,                                                                             "flat": 0,                                                                             "enterprise": 2,                                                                         },                                                                     ),                                                                     expected_py_dict: None,                                                                     expected_py_values: None,                                                                     expected_py_primitives: Some(                                                                         Py(                                                                             0x00007fb9b75a0f80,                                                                         ),                                                                     ),                                                                     values: [                                                                         Model(                                                                             ModelValidator {                                                                                 revalidate: Never,                                                                                 validator: ModelFields(                                                                                     ModelFieldsValidator {                                                                                         fields: [                                                                                             Field {                                                                                                 name: "interval",                                                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                                                     key: "interval",                                                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                                                         0x00007fb9b75a1170,                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                                                         [                                                                                                             S(                                                                                                                 "interval",                                                                                                                 Py(                                                                                                                     0x00007fb9b75a1130,                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                         ],                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                 },                                                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                                                     0x00007fb9baefdaf0,                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                 validator: DefinitionRef(                                                                                                     DefinitionRefValidator {                                                                                                         definition: "...",                                                                                                     },                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                 frozen: false,                                                                                             },                                                                                             Field {                                                                                                 name: "price",                                                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                                                     key: "price",                                                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                                                         0x00007fb9b80b16e0,                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                                                         [                                                                                                             S(                                                                                                                 "price",                                                                                                                 Py(                                                                                                                     0x00007fb9b80b0720,                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                         ],                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                 },                                                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                                                     0x00007fb9b819c7b0,                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                 validator: Float(                                                                                                     FloatValidator {                                                                                                         strict: false,                                                                                                         allow_inf_nan: true,                                                                                                     },                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                 frozen: false,                                                                                             },                                                                                             Field {                                                                                                 name: "type",                                                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                                                     key: "type",                                                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                                                         0x00007fb9b82fa340,                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                                                         [                                                                                                             S(                                                                                                                 "type",                                                                                                                 Py(                                                                                                                     0x00007fb9b801d4a0,                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                         ],                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                 },                                                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                                                     0x00007fb9bbe3c5a0,                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                                                         default: Default(                                                                                                             Py(                                                                                                                 0x00007fb9ba347030,                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                                                         validator: Literal(                                                                                                             LiteralValidator {                                                                                                                 lookup: LiteralLookup {                                                                                                                     expected_bool: None,                                                                                                                     expected_int: None,                                                                                                                     expected_str: Some(                                                                                                                         {                                                                                                                             "flat": 0,                                                                                                                         },                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                     expected_py_dict: None,                                                                                                                     expected_py_values: None,                                                                                                                     expected_py_primitives: Some(                                                                                                                         Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007fb9b75a10c0,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                     values: [                                                                                                                         Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007fb9ba347030,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                     ],                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                                 expected_repr: "'flat'",                                                                                                                 name: "literal['flat']",                                                                                                             },                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                                                         name: "default[literal['flat']]",                                                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                                                             0x00007fb9b9d9a350,                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                     },                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                 frozen: false,                                                                                             },                                                                                         ],                                                                                         model_name: "OptionFlat",                                                                                         extra_behavior: Ignore,                                                                                         extras_validator: None,                                                                                         strict: false,                                                                                         from_attributes: false,                                                                                         loc_by_alias: true,                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                                 class: Py(                                                                                     0x0000560cea96e090,                                                                                 ),                                                                                 generic_origin: None,                                                                                 post_init: None,                                                                                 frozen: false,                                                                                 custom_init: false,                                                                                 root_model: false,                                                                                 undefined: Py(                                                                                     0x00007fb9b9d9a350,                                                                                 ),                                                                                 name: "OptionFlat",                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         Model(                                                                             ModelValidator {                                                                                 revalidate: Never,                                                                                 validator: ModelFields(                                                                                     ModelFieldsValidator {                                                                                         fields: [                                                                                             Field {                                                                                                 name: "interval",                                                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                                                     key: "interval",                                                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                                                         0x00007fb9b75a1070,                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                                                         [                                                                                                             S(                                                                                                                 "interval",                                                                                                                 Py(                                                                                                                     0x00007fb9b75a1030,                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                         ],                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                 },                                                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                                                     0x00007fb9baefdaf0,                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                 validator: DefinitionRef(                                                                                                     DefinitionRefValidator {                                                                                                         definition: "...",                                                                                                     },                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                 frozen: false,                                                                                             },                                                                                             Field {                                                                                                 name: "price",                                                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                                                     key: "price",                                                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                                                         0x00007fb9b801ce10,                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                                                         [                                                                                                             S(                                                                                                                 "price",                                                                                                                 Py(                                                                                                                     0x00007fb9b801cd20,                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                         ],                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                 },                                                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                                                     0x00007fb9b819c7b0,                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                 validator: Float(                                                                                                     FloatValidator {                                                                                                         strict: false,                                                                                                         allow_inf_nan: true,                                                                                                     },                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                 frozen: false,                                                                                             },                                                                                             Field {                                                                                                 name: "type",                                                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                                                     key: "type",                                                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                                                         0x00007fb9b801cd80,                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                                                         [                                                                                                             S(                                                                                                                 "type",                                                                                                                 Py(                                                                                                                     0x00007fb9b801cdb0,                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                         ],                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                 },                                                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                                                     0x00007fb9bbe3c5a0,                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                                                         default: Default(                                                                                                             Py(                                                                                                                 0x00007fb9b75f0a30,                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                                                         validator: Literal(                                                                                                             LiteralValidator {                                                                                                                 lookup: LiteralLookup {                                                                                                                     expected_bool: None,                                                                                                                     expected_int: None,                                                                                                                     expected_str: Some(                                                                                                                         {                                                                                                                             "per_user": 0,                                                                                                                         },                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                     expected_py_dict: None,                                                                                                                     expected_py_values: None,                                                                                                                     expected_py_primitives: Some(                                                                                                                         Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007fb9b75a1000,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                     values: [                                                                                                                         Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007fb9b75f0a30,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                     ],                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                                 expected_repr: "'per_user'",                                                                                                                 name: "literal['per_user']",                                                                                                             },                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                                                         name: "default[literal['per_user']]",                                                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                                                             0x00007fb9b9d9a350,                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                     },                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                 frozen: false,                                                                                             },                                                                                         ],                                                                                         model_name: "OptionPerUser",                                                                                         extra_behavior: Ignore,                                                                                         extras_validator: None,                                                                                         strict: false,                                                                                         from_attributes: false,                                                                                         loc_by_alias: true,                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                                 class: Py(                                                                                     0x0000560cea970080,                                                                                 ),                                                                                 generic_origin: None,                                                                                 post_init: None,                                                                                 frozen: false,                                                                                 custom_init: false,                                                                                 root_model: false,                                                                                 undefined: Py(                                                                                     0x00007fb9b9d9a350,                                                                                 ),                                                                                 name: "OptionPerUser",                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                         Model(                                                                             ModelValidator {                                                                                 revalidate: Never,                                                                                 validator: ModelFields(                                                                                     ModelFieldsValidator {                                                                                         fields: [                                                                                             Field {                                                                                                 name: "type",                                                                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                                                                     key: "type",                                                                                                     py_key: Py(                                                                                                         0x00007fb9b801cd50,                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                                                                         [                                                                                                             S(                                                                                                                 "type",                                                                                                                 Py(                                                                                                                     0x00007fb9b801cde0,                                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                         ],                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                 },                                                                                                 name_py: Py(                                                                                                     0x00007fb9bbe3c5a0,                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                                                                         default: Default(                                                                                                             Py(                                                                                                                 0x00007fb9b75f0b70,                                                                                                             ),                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                                                                         validator: Literal(                                                                                                             LiteralValidator {                                                                                                                 lookup: LiteralLookup {                                                                                                                     expected_bool: None,                                                                                                                     expected_int: None,                                                                                                                     expected_str: Some(                                                                                                                         {                                                                                                                             "enterprise": 0,                                                                                                                         },                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                     expected_py_dict: None,                                                                                                                     expected_py_values: None,                                                                                                                     expected_py_primitives: Some(                                                                                                                         Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007fb9b75a0fc0,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                     ),                                                                                                                     values: [                                                                                                                         Py(                                                                                                                             0x00007fb9b75f0b70,                                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                                     ],                                                                                                                 },                                                                                                                 expected_repr: "'enterprise'",                                                                                                                 name: "literal['enterprise']",                                                                                                             },                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                         validate_default: false,                                                                                                         copy_default: false,                                                                                                         name: "default[literal['enterprise']]",                                                                                                         undefined: Py(                                                                                                             0x00007fb9b9d9a350,                                                                                                         ),                                                                                                     },                                                                                                 ),                                                                                                 frozen: false,                                                                                             },                                                                                         ],                                                                                         model_name: "OptionEnterprise",                                                                                         extra_behavior: Ignore,                                                                                         extras_validator: None,                                                                                         strict: false,                                                                                         from_attributes: false,                                                                                         loc_by_alias: true,                                                                                     },                                                                                 ),                                                                                 class: Py(                                                                                     0x0000560cea972470,                                                                                 ),                                                                                 generic_origin: None,                                                                                 post_init: None,                                                                                 frozen: false,                                                                                 custom_init: false,                                                                                 root_model: false,                                                                                 undefined: Py(                                                                                     0x00007fb9b9d9a350,                                                                                 ),                                                                                 name: "OptionEnterprise",                                                                             },                                                                         ),                                                                     ],                                                                 },                                                                 from_attributes: true,                                                                 strict: false,                                                                 custom_error: None,                                                                 tags_repr: "'flat', 'per_user', 'enterprise'",                                                                 discriminator_repr: "'type'",                                                                 name: "tagged-union[OptionFlat,OptionPerUser,OptionEnterprise]",                                                             },                                                         ),                                                         class: Py(                                                             0x0000560cea976200,                                                         ),                                                         generic_origin: Some(                                                             Py(                                                                 0x0000560ceb6a9910,                                                             ),                                                         ),                                                         post_init: None,                                                         frozen: false,                                                         custom_init: false,                                                         root_model: true,                                                         undefined: Py(                                                             0x00007fb9b9d9a350,                                                         ),                                                         name: "RootModel[Annotated[Union[OptionFlat, OptionPerUser, OptionEnterprise], FieldInfo(annotation=NoneType, required=True, discriminator='type')]]",                                                     },                                                 ),                                                 frozen: false,                                             },                                             Field {                                                 name: "share_links",                                                 lookup_key: Simple {                                                     key: "share_links",                                                     py_key: Py(                                                         0x00007fb9b75a0f30,                                                     ),                                                     path: LookupPath(                                                         [                                                             S(                                                                 "share_links",                                                                 Py(                                                                     0x00007fb9b75a0ef0,                                                                 ),                                                             ),                                                         ],                                                     ),                                                 },                                                 name_py: Py(                                                     0x00007fb9b75fa870,                                                 ),                                                 validator: WithDefault(                                                     WithDefaultValidator {                                                         default: Default(                                                             Py(                                                                 0x00007fb9bbd47100,                                                             ),                                                         ),                                                         on_error: Raise,                                                         validator: Nullable(                                                             NullableValidator {                                                                 validator: List(                                                                     ListValidator {                                                                         strict: false,                                                                         item_validator: Some(                                                                             StrEnum(                                                                                 EnumValidator {                                                                                     phantom: PhantomData<_pydantic_core::validators::enum_::StrEnumValidator>,                                                                                     class: Py(                                                                                         0x0000560cea97c1f0,                                                                                     ),                                                                                     lookup: LiteralLookup {                                                              &