
class kittycad.models.empty.Empty[source][source]

Bases: object

Method generated by attrs for class Empty.


Method generated by attrs for class Empty.



Method generated by attrs for class Empty.


__annotations__ = {}[source]
__attrs_attrs__ = ()[source]
__dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': 'kittycad.models.empty', '__str__': <function Empty.__str__>, 'from_dict': <classmethod(<function Empty.from_dict>)>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'Empty' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Empty' objects>, '__doc__': None, '__attrs_attrs__': (), '__repr__': <function Empty.__repr__>, '__eq__': <function Empty.__eq__>, '__ne__': <function Empty.__ne__>, '__lt__': <function Empty.__lt__>, '__le__': <function Empty.__le__>, '__gt__': <function Empty.__gt__>, '__ge__': <function Empty.__ge__>, '__hash__': None, '__init__': <function Empty.__init__>, '__match_args__': (), '__annotations__': {}})[source]

Method generated by attrs for class Empty.


Method generated by attrs for class Empty.


Method generated by attrs for class Empty.

__hash__ = None[source]

Method generated by attrs for class Empty.


Method generated by attrs for class Empty.


Method generated by attrs for class Empty.

__match_args__ = ()[source]
__module__ = 'kittycad.models.empty'[source]

Method generated by attrs for class Empty.


Method generated by attrs for class Empty.


Return str(self).

Return type:


classmethod from_dict(src_dict)[source][source]
Return type:
